Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Facts - Home Edition

1. I have never cleaned the bath tub in my house. I moved into this house in October of 2008.

2. I can count the number of times I've used the oven in this house on one hand.

3. The spiders can live in the basement, but they face extermination if they come upstairs.

4. I keep my bike in my living room, right behind my dining room table. It doesn't like the basement spiders.

5. There is only one closet in my entire house. It's a small one in my bedroom.

6. Because of the closet situation, my second bedroom has been converted into a huge closet. I have a 3-section IKEA closet that I love.

7. I would love to buy my house and build an addition to expand the bathroom and kitchen out into the side yard.

8. I am getting my front steps fixed on Saturday! They are currently a crumbling mess.

9. The woman who owns my house lives in California. She was an avid landscaper. She came back this summer to check out the house and I can only assume she had a heart attack when she saw how much I am NOT a landscaper.

10. I completely love my house! It's tiny and cute and it's got character. All of the woodwork is original to the house, which was built in 1890. It creaks and the floors slant and none of the doors really close, aside from the front door. And I wouldn't have it any other way.