Wednesday, August 11, 2010

West Side Wednesday

Yesterday was the primary election in Minnesota. The big race is for the next governor. Personally, I'm glad to see Tim Pawlenty (aka: TPaw) go. He ran on the basis of no new taxes and has since run the state into the ground. He made cuts across the board for education and health care. Good riddance! Anyway, so I was on my way to vote and I saw The Ugliest House on the West Side. (Location: corner of Page and Orleans.)

Most of the houses on the West Side are cute little bungalows or tasteful homes built around 1890-1910. I'm sure this house started off that way, but ridiculous additions and paint choice make it stand out. It is disgusting and an eyesore to the rest of the West Side.

This first picture was taken out of the windshield of my car so you can't quite see the true color. You can see that they haven't quite finished painting it, thus making it even more trashy. This is the front/side of the house.

This second picture was taken out of my side window so you'll see the true color of the house. It almost blinds you when you walk by. You can see the garage in the back of the first picture, but they also have a matching shed. I can only hope that the reason they picked this color is because it was on sale and they are destitute and couldn't afford anything else.

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